Easiest Way To Install ADB and FastBoot On Windows PC

ADB and FastBoot
ADB and FastBoot

In this article, we will be walking through the easiest method on how to install ADB and FastBoot on Windows PC. If you’re a fan of tweaking and modifying your Android device then having ADB and FastBoot installed on your Windows PC is a must. With ADB and FastBoot Installed on your Windows PC, you can do things like Root your Android phone, Unlock bootloader of your phone and probably flash a custom ROM if you feel like. Now, before we show you how to install ADB and FastBoot on Windows, we’ll first have to figure out what ADB and FastBoot are.

What Is ADB and FastBoot?

ADB which stands for Android Debug Bridge is a server program used for application development. It serves as a bridge between your Windows PC and your Android device. With ADB, you can send terminal commands to your Android phone using your Windows PC as long as both are connected via USB cable.

FastBoot, on the other hand, allows you to Modify Android system files. With FastBoot, you can do things flash or modify custom recoveries, install new custom recovery etc straight from your Windows PC, as long both devices (Android device and Windows PC) are connected via a USB cable.

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Now that we know what ADB and FastBoot is all about, we can now go ahead and install it on our Windows PC.

How To Install ADB and FastBoot On Windows PC

One thing I like about the ADB and FastBoot is that it also comes with universal Google drivers for almost all phone so once you install this, you won’t need a new driver(s) for your Android device.

  • Download the ADB and FastBoot Setup File From Here.
  • Now Run(Double-Click) the ADB-setup.exe file and allow administrator privileges if asked.

  • This will pop up a blue background prompt window with the questions “Do you want to install ADB and FastBoot? (Y/N)”

  • Type Y which stands for Yes and Hit enter.

  • ADB and FastBoot will be installed and you will be asked “Do you want to install Device drivers? (Y/N)”

  • Type Y again and Hit Enter.

  • A new Device Driver Installation Wizard Window will come up, Simply Tap Next to install the drivers. This will take some time so be patient.

  • Once that is done, Click on Finish.

That’s it. You’ve successfully installed ADB and FastBoot on your Windows PC. To check if the ADB and FastBoot is up and running on your PC then simply follow the steps below.

  • Navigate to your Windows C Drive (C:) and you’ll see the new ADB Folder.
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  • Click on it. Once inside the folder, Look for an empty space and take the mouse pointer there. Now, Press and Hold the Shift Key and Right-Click. Scroll to the Open Command Window Here or Open Power Shell Window Here and Click on it.

  • Now Connect your Android device to your Windows PC and Type in the following Command – ADB devices

  • This will show you the list of devices Currently connected to your Windows PC. Once you see the devices then your ADB and FastBoot are working fine.

  • You can now go ahead and start tweaking and flashing.


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