How To Fix iPhone That Won’t Ring?


Owning an iPhone is beautiful. But sometimes it can be pretty hard. The features that make your iOS device stand out can also be a problem later if you have no clue how to use them properly.

This is precisely the case with a very rampant iPhone issue today – The problem of your iPhone not ringing. This is not just annoying when it occurs but it can possibly spoil a business deal you are working on, make you miss a vital meeting or an important phone call.

If this is your present predicament, do not stress yourself. This article is here to help.

Let’s get right into it:

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Confirming The Obvious

Before discussing the main fixes, let’s take care of the obvious solution to a case like this. Obvious in the sense that you should check if your phone is in Silent mode. Everyone knows your iOS device will not ring out if the Silent switch on its side has not been set to ring.

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If your iPhone’s Silent switch has been pulled toward the display, your device’s sound is enabled. If the same switch has been pushed toward the back side of your device, that means that the Silent mode is turned on. If this is the case, a little stripe will be visible close to the mentioned switch.

A different sign that your iOS device is in Silent mode is the Speaker icon. If the Speaker icon is visible on your iPhone’s screen, this means that the sound is disabled.

Definitely, the fix is easy. You just have to make sure your iPhone’s Silent mode is disabled and then enable sound on your phone by pressing the Volume Up button. The button can be found on the side of your device.

Or, your iPhone’s volume can be increased via its Settings. This is incredibly useful if your iPhone’s volume control buttons are malfunctioning. Adhere to these instructions to make this happen:

  1. Access your iPhone’s Settings.
  2. Choose Sounds and Haptics, and find “Ringer and Alerts.”
  3. Ensure the slider is dragged under Ringer and Alerts. This will increase your volume.

Disable Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb is very important in several situations. It could be that you are busy with work and will not like to be disturbed. This feature can make that happen for you.

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When activated, it will disable alerts, notifications, and phone calls on your device. So, maybe your iOS device is not ringing because you activated the Do Not Disturb feature mistakenly. The best way to be certain that this feature is activated is to confirm at the upper-right corner of the display. If Do Not Disturb is activated, a little half-moon icon will be visible.

There are some methods to deactivate this feature on your iOS device. Let’s highlight them:

1st Method:

Ever since iPhone’s iOS 7 was unveiled, it has been simple to disable this feature. Just adhere to these instructions:

  1. Scroll up from the bottom of your iPhone’s screen to access the Control Center.
  2. Then, click the half-moon icon to disable “Do Not Disturb.”

2nd Method:

Another way to get this done is via your iPhone’s Settings. This is all you have to do:

  1. Launch your iPhone’s Settings.
  2. Click “Do Not Disturb feature.”
  3. Click on the switch in the Manual section. When it turns grey, it has been disabled.

3rd Method:

The final method for disabling Do Not Disturb is not complicated. Siri is needed to make it happen. Do this:

  1. To enable Siri, simply press and hold your iPhone’s Home button. Immediately Siri’s UI is opened, say “Turn off Do Not Disturb.” Be certain that you have pronounced all your words clearly so that Siri can detect your command.
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If this has been done properly, Siri will disable this feature and respond with “Okay, I turned off Do Not Disturb.”

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If My iPhone Still Refuses To Ring?

If you have tried the fixes listed above and your iOS device is still not ringing, there is one more solution.

Sometimes, mobile devices get stuck in modes that will not help you. In this case, your iPhone could be stuck in Headphones mode. Meaning, your device assumes that your headphones are still plugged in, even when they are not.

To confirm if your device is stuck in Headphones mode, just press the Volume Up button and check your device’s screen. If you see the Headphones volume loading on the display, that means that your iOS device is actually stuck in Headphones mode.

To fix this problem, grab a flashlight and inspect your iOS device’s charging port. If you feel anything is stuck in the charging port, get it out carefully.


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