GLO Nigeria Data Plan – My Experience After 50% Slash In Data Volume

Recently, Glo revisited their data plans and reduced all their data volume by slashing them into two without informing his customers about the update.

GLO Nigeria had one of the cheapest data plans before they decided to cut down their data plans by 50%. Before now, GLO subscribers would spend N1,000 to get 3.2 GB of data and N2,500 to get 10GB of data for 30 days. But, what will be given now is 1.6 GB for N1,000 and 5GB for same N2,500. Yes; it is a massive 50% slash in data volume.

glo nigeria data plans

The 50% cut in data volume has an effect on both the 4G and 3G data plans, so it does not matter which one your prefer. The slash brings Glo’s data plans down to the same level as what you can get from any of the other members of the Big 4 networks. For example, N1,000 on MTN or Airtel will get you 1.5 GB of data, while N1,000 on Glo will give 1.6GB of data. But after considering network speed and strength, going for either MTN or Airtel will be a sagacious choice.

I already had my mind made up to go for another better network since Glo has a very poor one; I can say I have been managing Glo and would either go for MTN or Airtel now since the difference is just 100MB or any other better network.

However, a GLO subscriber later showed concern and took to Twitter asking them the reason why data volume has to be reduced, and this is what Glo NG said as seen in the image below;

Glo reply

Hello, “data caps” has not been reduced. Subscriber who does not resubscribe 3 days after data expiration will get half the plan TT

I hope you understood what Glo said up there? Alright, I’ll explain to you.

What this means is that for those that still has an active plan and auto-renewal not cancelled will still enjoy the previous data volume.

If you in any way cancelled Auto-renewal of data, kindly SMS “ACCEPT” to 127 to restore your auto renewal if it has been cancelled. Then, subsequent subscription to that plan will automatically take you back to the old data volume.

For example – If you subscribe to a N1,000 plan at the new rate which is 1.6GB, normally, auto-renewal will be activated automatically when you subscribe, auto renewal comes as default if you subscribe to a new plan. Then, before the data expires, the subsequent subscription will automatically take you back to the old rate which is N1,000 for 3.2GB.

The thing is, you must re-subscribe immediately so that you can enjoy the previous data capacity. If you don’t re-subscribe three days after data expiration, you will get half the old data volume.

The strategy is just to lock in their loyal customers. The policy is just for the customer to stick to their Network.

Response from GLO above made me reconsider re-subscribing to another Glo plan, which I later did. My old data plan was to expire in seven days time, so I top it up with a N2,500 subscribe to see what would happen, but things didn’t go the way I expected. I was given just 5GB while expecting 10GB of data.


Did you experience the same problem too after re-subscribing manually or through the auto-renewal process? Kindly leave a comment below.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

3 thoughts on “GLO Nigeria Data Plan – My Experience After 50% Slash In Data Volume”

  1. My brother this is really very funny about what glo has just done, they dont no that people are just managing their network over these years, that other net work are stronger than theirs, for them to come out with slash or no slash in this recess, there might be slash in their office when they loose more customers to others that their service is stronger.

  2. Well, I guess you weren’t lucky as I was because I subscribed for another plan 2 days after the previous one expired and I got a 100% bonus on data. That’s I subscribed for the same #2500 plan as you, got the 5GB and another 5GB totaling 10GB


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