How Can I Download Amazon Prime Movies And Series To My Phone And Tablet?


Amazon lets you download TV series and films from Amazon Prime Video onto your smartphone and tablet.

Streaming films and TV shows to your mobile phone is very comfortable, but at times, streaming does not work. If you are heading to a destination that does not have Wi-Fi like a plane, or an out-of-reach cabin in a very distant area, you will need to plan for the future by downloading clips onto your smartphone or tablet in advance.

Amazon allows you to download materials you can view offline, but they come with warnings. You will not be able to download to a PC, for instance, downloads can only permitted to mobile applications. Meaning, you will be unable to store Amazon Prime videos on a PC. Also, on your mobile device and tab, not everything will download when you initiate it.

Amazon issued this warning recently, “Only selected Prime Video titles are available to download, and the time period you have to view a downloaded title while your device is offline varies by title.” You might also notice that some contents are unavailable for download in specific locations, and Amazon might restrict you to a certain number you will be able to download at a time, so for additional downloads, a notification to get rid of a video you have watched already might be visible.

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In general, however, do not bother your head about most of that. If you intend to download a show, just open it in your Prime Video application and check to confirm if downloading is possible. If it is, continue.

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How Can I Download An Amazon Prime Video On A Smartphone Or Tab?

  1. Launch the Prime Video application.
  2. Search for the TV series or film that you intend to download. Click it to open the clip’s Details page.
  3. If it can be downloaded, a download error would be visible. To download a film, click the download arrow. If its a TV show you want downloaded, you are decide to download the full season with one click (locate “Download Season” at the top of your phonescreen,) but if its specific episodes you crave for, click the precise one you fancy.

How Can I Watch A Downloaded Amazon Prime Video?

As soon as you have downloaded a clip, it can be watched the regular way you watch via streaming.

  1. Launch the Prime Video application.
  2. Search for the content or film you intend to watch. Click on it to view the clip’s Details page.
  3. A check mark will be seen close to any series that is downloaded on your mobile device or tab. Click Play to begin to watch. Do not forget that if no internet connection is active, the downloaded clip will still play the right way but whatever is not downloaded will show you an error message if you attempt to play it.
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How Can I Delete A Downloaded Amazon Prime Clip You Do Not Want Anymore?

After viewing a downloaded clip, you can feel like getting rid of it from your smartphone to recover space, especially if your smartphone or tab is in need of space.

  1. Launch the Prime Video application.
  2. Search for the TV series or film that you intend to get rid of from your device. Click it to view the clip’s Details page. To remove a movie, click “Options” which will be seen to the right of the “Downloaded” notification. Simply click “Delete Download.” To get rid of a TV show episode, click the checkmark that shows download is complete. A button marked “Delete” will be visible on a tab while it shows you “Delete download” on smartphones. Click it.


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