How to configure the PC monitor settings to avoid eye fatigue

Monitor settings to avoid eye strain
Monitor settings to avoid eye strain

Visual fatigue is a recurring theme for those who have to work long hours in front of a PC. In this guide, we will see which settings to use so as not to tire your eyes too much.

What are the best ways to work correctly in front of computers or screens and therefore reduce eye fatigue to a minimum after many hours of work or play?

Until relatively recently, television was the only screen through which we knew the world. Since then, the number of screens present in our lives, mainly computers, and smartphones, has multiplied inversely proportional to the care we have with our eyes.

The eye is an extraordinary machine, it can see up to 10 million different colors thanks to small cells called “cones”. But there are colors and sources that “hurt” the eyes, generate headaches, increase blood pressure and eyestrain.

We will give you some tips on which colors to use, which type of letter is the most comfortable for your eyes or which is the right light intensity for your screen.

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Monitor settings to avoid eye strain

“Difficult” colors

The bright colors that are often used in adverts to attract your attention are aggressive to your eyes. Yellow, cheerful and comforting in light tones, can be too stimulating in its brighter versions, also influencing mood. Several studies show that children cry more and couples argue more in yellow rooms.

The “serif” of the sources

Some types of letters assume an “extra” eye strain. Although Times New Roman is used, the bars at the end of each letter, called “serif” take longer to recognize words, causing eye strain.

The Arial and the Verdana, for example, do not have these bars, they leave more space between each letter and are easier to read from a distance.

Against visual fatigue, adjust the screen

Just as it is advisable to “stretch” before a workout, it is advisable to “configure” the settings before using a PC or laptop screen. How can it be done?

Adjust the brightnessLook at the white background of the screen- if you perceive it as a light source, it’s too bright, if you see it a little gray, it’s too dark. Ideally, adjust the brightness of the screen to be approximately equal to that of the work area.

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Adjust the size and contrast of the text. The text must be three times larger than the minimum size that you can read at a distance of between 20 and 30 cm. In contrast, black on a white background is the best combination for comfortable reading.

Increase text size on internet pages. Some sites have this option, usually indicated at the top, through three different uppercase “A’s”. If not present, try changing your browser settings.

Increase the monitor refresh rate. 

60 Hz is not enough. Try setting it to 75 Hz, or more if your monitor supports it. Increase the resolution (from 800 × 600 or 1024 × 768 to 1280 × 1024).

Clean the screen 

Dust and other dirt on the monitor reduce the brightness of the monitor and make the letters appear confused. Proper hygiene is essential to avoid eye strain.

Avoid reflections on the screen

The monitor should never receive other lights that hit it; Usually, natural light is the most appropriate, as long as it is not too intense. Also, avoid monitors with a highly reflective glossy finish; Although on display they look nicer, in the long run, they will be more harmful to your eyes.


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