How To Fix Galaxy Tab S5e “Screen Flickering” Issue


One tricky issue to deal with when using your smartphone or tablet is actually the issue of screen flickering. Many Galaxy Tab S5e users are really experiencing this issue. Are you among those experiencing this issue? This article will help you a whole lot on how to fix this flickering screen issue. So, therefore, following the troubleshooting steps that will be outlined in this article will help you immensely on how to fix this problem.

How To Fix Galaxy Tab S5e “Screen Flickering” Issue

Follow this troubleshooting guard below if you are experiencing this screen flickering issues.

Check For Hardware Damage

The screen of your Galaxy tablet is not something to joke with because it is one of the reliable parts of the phone. Ask your self, when did I start noticing this problem? If eventually, this issue started after the device have been dropped or hit by something, or even exposed to water. Instead of wasting time looking for a solution, if in case any of this happened. Have in mind that this can be hardware damage. The only thing you have to do is to have the device checked by a professional, preferable, Samsung Technician. So that proper troubleshooting can be done. To elucidate more, if peradventure your phone’s screen crashed just because it has been dropped for a long period of time. There is no amount of software troubleshooting you can use to fix it. The only option left is to replace the screen. In case your screen got cracked, do not allow anyhow technician to fix it for you. Make sure that the technician is a qualified technician. But if you are certain that you can replace the screen yourself without the assistance of another you can do it your self for the fact that you don’t damage other components of the screen.

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Do A Soft Reset.

If you realized that this is not a bad hardware issue, the screen flickering issues may be caused by a temporary software bug. Some minor problems caused by software bugs usually disappears after restarting a device.

I will advise you when restarting, kindly simulate the effects of a “Battery Pull” rather than do a usual restart. this is very important because it helps to ensure that the device is refreshed and the RAM cleared. If you want to do this, kindly press and hold the Power and Volume Down buttons for about 10 seconds. Once the phone has restarted, release the buttons. this procedure is normally used to clearing bugs that came as a result of the system being left to run for a very long time. If possible, once a week, I urge you to restart your device using this method.

For Galaxy M30, there is actually a slightly different way to arrive at the same method, which will be addressed below.

  1. Click and hold the Power + Volume Down buttons for approximately 10 seconds until the device power cycles. Have in mind that you must allow it for several seconds for the maintenance boot mode screen to appear.
  2. Select the normal boot, from the maintenance boot mode screen. Always bear in mind that you have to utilize the volume buttons to cycle through the available options and the lower left button (below the volume buttons) to select. Also, allow up to 90 seconds for the reset to complete.
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