How To Fund PlayStation Network Account In Unsupported Countries With Ease

Fund PlayStation Network Account Unsupported Countries

It might be very difficult to fund PSN account in Nigeria and other unsupported nations, but it is not impossible. There are 2 ways to play games on your PS4 console, you can either purchase a CD or get a digital download.

For unsupported nations and Nigerians, a lot of gamers purchase CDs, even if some that still buy digital games end up dropping off their console and paying ridiculously high prices as charges for the simple service that was rendered.

Since my own PS4 was purchased, I got an Uncharted 4 CD and all other games I have played since that time have been purchased online from PSN Store and downloaded digitally. This is good news for me since I can seamlessly switch between games and play on my PS4 console, unlike the people who buy CDs and go through the stress of ejecting CDs and inserting another to play something different.

In summary, buying digitally and buying CDs has its bad and good sides. CD buyers will tell you that it will be easier to sell the game CDs or exchange it for a different game in the future while digital buyers will brag about not having to bother about Hard Disk crashes. However, even if buying games digitally requires a large volume of data and fast internet to download, we will advise you to steer clear of the buying CDs trend. See How To Fund PlayStation Network Account In Unsupported Countries With Ease:

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How Can I Open A Verified PSN Account In Nigeria?

Bad news, it is not possible to open a Nigeria PSN account. The only way to make it happen is by opening one with US information. When registering for a PlayStation Network account on your console, simply choose “the United States” as Origin.

When that is done, it will now be possible to choose any American state even if some of them will charge tax money when you buy games online. Be aware that states like Florida, Northern California, Alabama, and Oregon charge nothing extra for buying games on PSN, so you should go for one of them. Also, you have to google the state’s ZIP code as it will be needed while you sign up. After registration, you will also be asked if you wish to add your credit card as a payment method, do not enter your credit card details. Once the US account is set, you will be able to fund your PSN account in Nigeria.

How Can I Buy A PSN Gift Card – Fund PSN Account In Nigeria?

After creating your US PSN account, a US PSN card will be needed to fund your Wallet to purchase games or anything you want on the PSN account. I have bought things on Amazon and Offgamers, but Offgamers is the better option as it has more PSN card options and you will have to sign up as a US resident to buy the gift card on Amazon.

  1. Register for an account on Offgamers, ensure you type in the correct information and phone number, and a code will be sent to your device for verification.
  2. Make your US PSN gift card purchase here.
  3. Pay with your credit card or with your Nigerian PayPal account. I prefer to make payments with my PayPal because other relevant cards could be connected to it.
  4. Offgames will then send you emails when you register and your order details when it has been completed.
  5. The US PSN gift card code is also completed immediately.
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How Can I Finally Fund PSN Account In Nigeria?

After creating a US PSN account on your console, everything else is less complicated. There are 2 ways to apply the code, it can be done straight from your PS4 console or on the web by signing-in to your PSN account. To make it happen on the console, power on the PS4, and ensure it is connected to the internet. Access the store and choose “Wallet” from the menu shown at the left side of your display, choose “Redeem Codes” and type in your 12 digit PIN.

  • Get yourself signed in to PlayStation Store.
  • Hover the mouse on top of your user ID at the top-right corner to access account options. Choose “Account Settings.”
Fund PlayStation Network Account Unsupported Countries
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  • Choose “Redeem Prepaid Card.”
Fund PlayStation Network Account Unsupported Countries
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  • Type in the 12-digit code you purchased from OffGamers.
Fund PlayStation Network Account Unsupported Countries
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  • Tap “Continue” and confirm the funds that got added to your wallet.
Fund PlayStation Network Account Unsupported Countries
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That is that.


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