How to hide your picture WhatsApp from strangers


In this guide, we will see how to hide your WhatsApp profile image so as not to show it to unknown numbers that are not saved in the phonebook.

Communication has changed a lot in recent years with the arrival of smartphones and applications such as Telegram or WhatsApp, which allow us to talk to other people instantly and without too much effort. And, on many occasions, we communicate on WhatsApp with people we know nothing about, due to an online sale, for example.

Like today, with the advent of social networks, people show every aspect of their lives, so we’ll show you how to hide your WhatsApp profile image from unknown numbers.

As we said, many times we are dealing with strangers on our WhatsApp, and these people do not have to see our profile picture if we do not want it to be that way. Fortunately, WhatsApp has a mechanism to let you choose who you want to show that picture.

To hide your profile picture on WhatsApp, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to WhatsApp and click on the three points at the top right of the main screen.
  2. Go to “Settings”.
  3. Click on “Account”.
  4. Select “Privacy”. From here you can check all the settings related to your privacy.
  5. Once there, click on the “Profile picture” option.
  6. Choose “My contacts”.
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In this way, only the contacts you have saved in the address book can see your profile picture. So, if you chat with a stranger, you will not see anything, but, when you register it as a contact in the address book, you can see your personal photo.


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