How To Remain Productive When You Are Offline?


Zero internet connection? Its funny how one small grey icon can make you feel like you are not a part of the universe.

It could be that you are on a road journey with zero Wi-Fi access or the internet at your place of work has been down for a while. Not to worry though. Lemme help you get things going even when you are offline. You cannot just be sit idle right?

1. Offline Services Can Be Used To Continue Working

Whenever you are shown “Unable to Connect”, you might feel you should indulge in doing bits with that Play Station throughout the day, but that should not be the case. Several online services also allow you access offline, some of them include Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar. Yes, you might not be able to download fresh messages or simply sync new files, but anything that happened the last time your PC was online will be visible.

However, you will not be able to allow offline access when you are connected, so it is vital to plan ahead by accessing your settings when there is internet. Sometimes when you lose connection, you can discover that you flipped that switch a long time ago and will then find it easy to keep working.

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Desktop applications aid offline access as well, therefore, if you have to check out your mail in Microsoft Outlook or anything in Evernote, you can still have access to them so you can continue working. Fresh changes will be synced once you return online. If you are aware that the internet’s will be non-existent before it actually happens, then you are allowed to downloads stuff you might find useful for work in an application like Pocket, for you to check out when internet is gone.

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2. Engage In Some House Cleaning

Your PC’s hard drive might be a disorganized mess. It does not matter if you really fancy clean stuff, other work will always be a distraction. Whenever you are offline, that is a very good time to handle some boring but important house chores. There is no better time than when you are not allowed to do anything else related to your business or office work online. Ensure that hard drive is cleared up. Get the dirt off that desktop. Get rid of browser extensions you have not been making use of. You can even physically clean up your laptop.

3. Non-Digital To-Dos

We all need to reach out to a generator repairer, work on that faulty gas cooker, take care of the grasses in the garden, get to the bank. All this suddenly become a reality when online work is not possible and they have to be taken care of.

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Because most tasks will not need the use of internet or a PC, they are a massive substitution when your network refuses to make you happy. So get to work. You can even reach out to friends and families on the phone while you are at it.

4. Brainstorm

With several tasks on your table everyday, it is simple to get overwhelmed. Which is why it so important to organize what you are thinking about and have them written down on a sheet of paper. This will aid you to stay away from that scary feeling when you realize that there is a lengthy list of stuff you have forgotten that you need to remember. You cannot forget what is written down, can you?

With internet gone, this is the right time to get that done, so get a piece of paper and pour out the stuff in your brain. Jot everything down, those ideas you have been wanting to share with your employer, anything that has been pissing you off at home, even that weird thought you had while you were having your bath. As soon as you let it all out, decide on the tasks that you can give to others and the ones you can take care of as soon possible. When you set aside the important stuff from the less important ones, just head back to work with more confidence when the internet is back.

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5. Learn A Skill

There are several aspects of your job that you will like to improve on, but never have the time to look into.

Definitely, the internet can be of assistance for you to improve yourself with, but you’d be amazed at the amount of upgrading you can put yourself through even when you are offline. Just mess around and see what will be found. You might want to get some Photoshop chops, for instance, or program keyboard shortcuts for the stuff you do the most. All this can be achieved if you are determined enough and when you are offline.

6. Just Unplug And Take A Stroll

It is not a bad idea if you seize the opportunity a broken internet presents to stroll away from work. The truth is, you have to take breaks, stand up and rest during work in the first place. Sitting all day is not nice and staring at a screen for long hours long can actually affect your eyes.

Moving away from all that for a while will not make you appear lazy because mental rests will improve your concentration and enhance your creative thinking.

Therefore, take that stroll and break. It can even give you that idea you wouldn’t have thought about if you were working.


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