How to unlock iPhone X with Face ID

Apple with the commercialization of the iPhone X has amazed everyone. Many people are faced with a revolutionary product compared to the past. The iPhone of the tenth anniversary of the Californian colossus boasts a number of new and interesting authentication features called Face ID, which differ greatly from the other available solutions in circulation. If you want to know how to unlock iPhone X with Face ID, follow the steps in this guide and you will find out.

How to unlock iPhone X with Face ID

The tutorial is mainly dedicated to those who have the device locked for having written several times the wrong unlock code, or if the iPhone continues to freeze. That said, let’s go immediately to the guide.

iPhone X – how to unlock it with Face ID, here’s the procedure

The Face ID is the new system of unlocking Apple that goes to exploit different sensors to recognize the user’s face and automatically unlock the iPhone X once recognized. Taking into account that the authentication method you have already had the opportunity to configure it, given that this operation is requested immediately at the time of the first configuration of the device, let’s see how to use it correctly:

  1. Activate the iPhone X screen by taking it in your hand. Alternatively, you can also make a single tap on the screen to activate it manually;
  2. Put your face in front of the iPhone’s TrueDepth camera;
  3. Expect the recognition of the face that takes place immediately;
  4. You will realize if the device has recognized you through the padlock, present exactly in the upper area of the display of the iPhone, which goes from closed to open;
  5. Now swipe from bottom to top to finally turn on the iOS home screen.

If you have not been able to configure the unlocking via Face ID during the first configuration of the iPhone X or have it disabled, do not panic as you can reactivate it at any time via the iOS settings. Here’s how:

  1. Open the settings of your iPhone by simply clicking on the gear icon;
  2. Choose Face ID and code;
  3. Write the unlock code of your iPhone X correctly;
  4. Click on the Configure Face ID entry and then on Start;
  5. Now, place the face in front of the camera of the iPhone by being careful to center it in the square projected on the display and move the head slowly in a circular motion to allow the sensor to frame all sides of the face;
  6. Going on, type in Continue and move the head more slowly but slowly and select Fine.
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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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