New Features Fans Expect From Sony Xperia XZ4

Comments about Sony Xperia XZ4 have been going on online for some time now. But there are new images leaked online that further tells fans what the device will look like. Of course, when one looks at the new image leaks, it is possible to see it as one of 2019 flagship smartphone releases.

Teaser- There will be three cameras at the rear of the device. The latest triple camera device just hit the market yesterday, so it is no surprise that Sony is throwing in something by way of competition to the latest phone from Samsung.

We are still fresh from the thrill of the Sony Xperia XZ3 so it could be that we need to wait a while before welcoming the XZ4 in 2024. We could wait another six months to accommodate the companies usual release schedule for flagship phones.

So, even though it is hard to really know how the Xperia XZ4 will turn out, people are already taking educated guesses and are documenting these on the internet. Even the release date is a topic for debate.

Some are still saying that Sony’s last flagship, the XZ3 was one of the best in years and possibly, the coming could do just as so or even better, sealing Sony’s place in the smartphone world for 2019. We believe that the company can still do something in the way of making improvements.

Is it coming in January? All possible hints point to a time between February and March. It is possible that Sony releases the smartphone at the next MWC event coming up on February 25, 2019.

What about the price? It could b a little above $900 USD and a little below $1250 USD. These speculations are not from inside sources this postulating them are looking at the regular trends inside Sony circle.

However, there is more information on the design of the device. That too is not very definite, except for the fact that it carries three cameras to the rear. It is possible that there won’t be a headphone jack, curved screen, maybe there is going to be no notch at all.

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Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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