Security Worries Abroad – Huawei Calls on USA, Others to Show Proof

As one of its top executives face possible US charges over trade with Iran. In the midst of all these brouhaha, the tech company wants to rule the world and it says nothing can stop its dream. But that dream is colliding with security worries abroad.

The company’s problem is not only based in the US. Australia and New Zealand have also barred Huawei as a supplier for fifth-generation networks. This makes five countries ready to ruin the phone manufacturing firm. US and Taiwan have already been on that trail.

However, last week, Japan’s cyber security agency said that the company and other pertinent vendors deemed risky will be off-limits for government purchase.

Now the chairman of Huawei Ken Hu has called on the United States and other countries to provide proof security risk. Meanwhile, the company has gone on to defuse fears that threaten its role in next-gen communications.

He also said that the problem has to do with “ideology and geopolitics”, saying that not letting Huawei do what it wants to do in Australia and other markets would hurt consumers by raising prices and slowing innovation in that country and probably in the world.

On security risks, both Australia and New Zealand have barred the company from proceeding on its 5G network plans. Japan has also hinted that Huawei suppliers that deemed high-risk will be excluded from government purchases.

So far all the troubles are hardly having a bad effect on the company as the company is reporting higher global sales up to $100 billion in 2024 alone. But it appears that threats to the 5G investment of the company is really giving it concerns. This is understandable as analysts say that the 5G industry will be worth $20 billion by the year 2022.

The chairman spoke with American, European, and Asian reporters. He told them that if they have proof or evidence, they should come forward with it. He concluded by saying that the evidence may not be furnished to the public or to Huawei but to telecom operators because, as he said, telecom operators are the ones that buy Huawei.

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Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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