Talk to TIM operator – how to do it immediately without waiting?

Do you want to talk to a TIM operator but you do not know which sequence to type or do not want to wait a long time? There is no trick and no strategy – in this article, I explain how to call a TIM operator to ask for assistance and support for your phone and your SIM!

If you are a TIM user and therefore in possession of a telephone SIM from the most important telephone company in Italy, surely it may happen that you need assistance for a technical or administrative problem or to request general information about the services active on your telephone number. Very often the waiting times are long enough but the most annoying situation is listening to the voice guide that tells us which numbers to type in order to speak with TIM operator able to help us.

In the next paragraphs, I have reported all the available solutions that will help you to do this in the easiest way possible and bring you to the solution in no time. Enjoy the reading!

How to talk to a TIM operator?

Do you have problems with reception? Has the promotion expired? Are you unable to use your services as foreseen by your rate plan? Have you lost or stolen your phone and you have to block the SIM? If you are in a situation of these or you think there is a problem related to your mobile phone card, then you must call a TIM operator to explain your problem and find a solution in the shortest possible time.

The most traditional way is to call 119 – the free TIM customer service for calls from Telecom fixed telephones and TIM mobile phones; unfortunately, however, the waiting time could be long and it is especially annoying to listen to the voice guide that tells us which buttons to type to get in touch with the call center.

Let’s see which number sequence you have to type in order to reduce waiting times: call 119 to talk to the TIM operator. Wait for the welcome message and then press the 4 key. Then type 3 (is dedicated to assistance), press 3 again and to finish the 5 key.

So to call the operator the sequence of the voice-guide is 4-3-3-5. Eventually, if the operator contacted is not employed in the department you are interested in (commercial, technical, theft, and loss, etc …), will be able to automatically transfer the phone call to the one who is able to solve your problem.

Why call 119 – when is it necessary?

Very often, after long conversations with the support, we are told that the problem is not caused by the SIM or by the telephone operator but by the device.

Generally speaking, it is necessary to speak with a TIM operator in these situations:

  • no or intermittent line
  • change of telephone plan
  • activation / deactivation of services
  • commercial and administrative information
  • SIM lock in case of theft or loss
  • configuration of internet and MMS services

Before you call, it is good to restart the phone or try the SIM temporarily in another, to make sure that there are no problems caused by the device.

TIM operator on Twitter and Facebook – guide to talk with the assistance

Thanks to the importance of social networks in the daily life of all of us, TIM has decided to offer assistance to its users through Twitter and Facebook. So, if you want to speak with TIM operator you can also request it via your favorite social network without waiting – it will be directly to call you as soon as it is available!

If you use Twitter, start to follow the users  @ TIM4UAlessio, @ TIM4UGiulia, @ TIM4ULuca, and @ TIM4UStefano  and send a tweet mentioning them and describing in general what is your problem. Then they will follow you so you can communicate via DM (direct or private message) and possibly provide your phone number to do in-depth checks and talk to a TIM operator. These Twitter accounts are directly from the experts who will contact you personally to offer support and listen to your request. Alternatively, you can follow  @Tim_Official and send a tweet mentioning the account and writing your question and it will be up to them to assign your case to one of the available operators.

If you use Facebook, the operator is even easier to contact: go to the official TIM page and click on the Message button that appears at the top next to the Like button. It will open the Facebook chat where you can send a private message and describe your problem by requesting a phone call with the operator by entering your mobile number.

I personally tried both solutions and the operators responded within a few minutes; in more complicated cases, several waiting hours have been necessary, especially if there are problems on the national network that cause many users to contact the 119.

What do you need to talk to a TIM operator?

If you have chosen which method to call TIM assistance, remember that you must be of legal age to use the service and above all be the holder of the telephone number for which you request assistance. The operator will ask for the mobile number and data of the holder to make sure to talk to the person directly concerned.

I hope this article has been quite complete and useful to help you speak with the TIM operator without waitingshare the article on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook so all your friends who have a similar problem will already know how to solve the problem in the fastest way!

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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