The Google Pixel 3 will have a presentation event in Paris

A week ago it was confirmed that the date of presentation of the Google Pixel 3 would be on October 9. A change by the American company, which had presented the previous two generations on October 4. The presentation event would take place in New York. Although it seems that this year the firm is also betting on the European market.

The Google Pixel 3 will have a presentation event in Paris

Since on the same date, on October 9, a presentation event will also be held in Paris. A presentation with which to introduce the phones officially to the European market.

Google Pixel 3 event in Paris

This news was confirmed last night, in what is a new strategy for the company. Although with this confirmation they make it clear that they take the European market seriously. Therefore, they seek that the presence of Google Pixel 3 in this market is the best. So it’s likely that it will be much better than the previous generations.

One of the problems that the previous generations have had has been availability in Europe. Many countries did not have the phones available and their distribution has left a lot to be desired. It seems that Google has realized this and seek to change it.

So it is likely that the launch of Google Pixel 3 to the market takes place at the same time in Europe and America. For now, on October 9 we have an appointment in Paris, where these models will be officially presented.

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Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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