This Time Samsung Will Manufacture Qualcomm Snapdragon 865

The world’s largest mobile tech company Samsung is going to manufacture the next flagship mobile SoC Snapdragon 865. This news has been confirmed by the South Korean publication TheElec. According to TheElec, Qualcomm has selected Samsung to manufacture its next flagship smartphone processor.

Samsung has also previously manufactured chipsets for Qualcomm which were 820 and Snapdragon 835. Samsung and Qualcomm took a long pause in 2024 due to which the Taiwanese Semiconductor manufacturing company (TMSC) made the Snapdragon 845 and Snapdragon 855 for Qualcomm.

Samsung will start the manufacturing process of the Snapdragon 865 chipset by the end of 2019. The SD 865 chipset will be built on the 7 nm and will use EUV process. Apple’s A13 chipset is also based on the EUV process. TMSC has also build chipsets based on EUV process but Qualcomm thinks that Samsungs’ technology is more advanced then TMSC.

Rumors suggest that the Snapdragon 865 will be available in two different versions – a standard Snapdragon 865 and the other will be equipped with Snapdragon X55 5G chipset.

Other than Qualcomm, popular chipset making company Intel has also chosen Samsung to manufacture chipsets based on 7 nm EUV process. Nvidia has partnered with Samsung to manufacture GPU chips for them.

Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturing company is going to manufacture upcoming Apple A13 and Kirin chipsets. Though TMSC has lost the contracts with Nvidia and Qualcomm, the company is not affected by it.

Let’s see whether the decision made by Qualcomm by selecting Samsung over TMSC for making Snapdragon 865 chipset is going to provide a better result or not. What do you think? just comment down below.

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Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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