2017 GET HELP WORLDWIDE Review – Make 30-50% Monthly, Register Now

[dropcap color=”#dd3333″]G[/dropcap]et Help Worldwide (GHW) is one of the few most secure and trusted crowd funding/donation exchange platform designed to stay for life than the MMM Nigeria you know. Crowdfunding programs have become one principal means of raising money among individuals, and a lot of successful companies/businesses have been strengthened through this program.

Get Help Worldwide
Get Help Worldwide

At Get Help Worldwide, all participants are given a higher value for their investment. This new platform is programmed with best cutting edge technology that will endeavour that all member rights are protected.

The crowd funding administration in place is adequate, and the platform is designed to stay. We have always known of other schemes that have failed, Get Help Worldwide has been in existence for a while and has been putting a smile on the face of its participants. Currently, it is satisfactory.

Get Help Worldwide has a dynamic platform that is interactive and easy to comprehend. Members can even see the profile credibility of other members as they provide help and get help in real-time as well as view testimonies right from the dashboard. It is has been launched using the best innovative features.

What Is Gethelpworldwide & How Does It Work Technically?

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You can access Get Help Worldwide Nigeria website HERE. Get Help Worldwide is somehow related to MMM Nigeria but features some innovative ideas that are absent in MMM Nigeria. It is an online community where people help each other directly financially without the involvement of any 3rd party. This means there is NO CENTRAL ACCOUNT that participants are required to pay money into the account of the owner.

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No additional massive cash is sent out to members in the name of Guider. They believe that anyone who invited you to the community guides you through until you can navigate through the website all by yourself. This saves real cash for the participants in the system.

In Get Help Worldwide you are not required to pay any money for registration. This means that Get Help Worldwide Registration is FREE. Financial help provided by anyone will start growing from the moment it was entered online at the rate of 30% for Local Currency (e.g. Naira) or 50% for Bitcoin (BTC) in 30 days, while you remain with your money until you are paired with whom you will donate directly to.

Click here to join for free!

The same way on the 30th day when you request for help from the system, you will be paired with another participant in the community who will now directly to you to you either through Bitcoin E-wallet or Bank account.

First, help provided either in Local Currency or Bitcoin will be rewarded with one time Registration Bonus (depending on the amount of Help Provided). Participants of GHW will be able to see a picture of whom they are donating to with their country and phone number. Your Yield amount and date show you Amount you can request on the 30th day and the date of Maturity.

Let’s say you have pledged to provide help with $100 in Bitcoin; they will immediately start growing by 50% in 30days, this $100 will then become $150 in Bitcoin. However, if you pledge to provide help with N1,000 in Nigeria Local currency, it will start growing immediately by 30% in 30 Days and will become N1,300.


Accordingly, you will be able to request for Help of $150 in Bitcoin or N1,300 in your Local currency.

  • Participants who fail to upload their PROFILE PICTURE will earn 30% of their Provided Help in Bitcoin in 30days and 20% of their Provided Help in Local Currency.
  • Participants who upload their Picture will earn their complete 50% in Bitcoin in 30days and 30% for Local Currency in 30days.
  • Members who upload fake pictures will be Blocked when their ID is requested and compared with the uploaded image.
  • However, you cannot Get Help if you have not Provided Help. Request for providing help comes to you in your Dashboard. If you do not do it within 48 hours, you will be removed from the system.


After registering in the platform, you get a one-time registration bonus from $20 to $100 in Bitcoin and 4,000 to 20,000 as One Time Registration Bonus in Your Local Currency. Rewards are given only once, not every time.

Click here to join for free!

Registration bonus for Bitcoin are as Follows;

(1.) $20 Registration Bonus — if you have contributed from $50 to $499.
(2.) $50 Registration Bonus — if you have contributed from $500 to $2’999.
(3.) $100 Registration Bonus — if you have contributed from $3’000 and above.

Registration bonus for Local Currencies are as Follows;

(1.) 4,000 Registration Bonus — if you have contributed from 15,000 to 149,000.
(2.) 10,000 Registration Bonus — if you have contributed from 150,000 to 649,000.
(3.) 20,000 Registration Bonus — if you have contributed from 650,000 and above of your Local Currency.

NOTE – All participants are allowed to have ONLY one account.

Provide Help LIMIT

The maximum help one can provide on GHW is N2million for Nigeria local currency and $5000 for Bitcoin users. This feature prevents misuse of the system by super-wealthy people who only seek to use it as a business avenue to boost their income.

For example, someone who donates N100million will be aiming to get N130million after 30days. These type of people will only participate once and then run away. By the time they leave the system with that huge amount sum, many individuals will become stuck as the volume of people who now need help will exceed those who are providing help. In other to prevent this, Get Help Worldwide has set Limit to avoid the system being abused by the wealthy and influential people.

Credibility Score

GHW credibility score index is a custom rating logic implemented into the system to ensure fair play and honesty. Each new account is started with 100% rating. However, penalties are enforced when guidelines are broken, which lead to the deduction of score point. This is to ensure all members act and respond according to the guidelines of the community.

Critical Guidelines / Penalties include the following

  • If you are paired, and you contact the money-receiving member, asking for a time extension to make payment, once he/she approves in his account, you will lose 25% of your credibility score.
  • If you offer to provide help and you cancel the offer (before you are paired), 5% rating point will be deducted from your credibility score card.
  • If discovered that your profile contains wrong profile picture/ information, 50% will be deducted.
  • If you fail to provide help to a paired member and expiry date elapses, your credibility score will be wiped out to Zero (0), which leads to automatic account suspension.
  • Account/Profile suspension means you will no longer be able to place or receive help from the platform.

Finally, please note that credibility score value is a key input for the “automatic pairing and assigning control system”; this system is solely responding to matching requests to offers. Members will higher credibility score will have more top priority for paring.

Referral Bonus

You get 10% from all deposits of the participant you invited. Welcoming new members into the Community is your additional contribution to its development. However, nobody forces the members of the Community to encourage new entrants. However, at the same time, understanding that the GHW platform cannot exist without development and members’ encouragement in the form of referral bonuses motivate many people to take an active position.

Reasons Why Get Help Worldwide Will Last Forever

  • NO Guiders/SponsorsIn a bid to keep Get Help Worldwide as stable as possible, they have disallowed the concept of Guiders or Sponsors. This means no huge sums of money are donated unnecessarily to people who do absolutely nothing.
  • Recommitment – GHW is here to change lives, change nations and change the world. It is designed to last forever. Recommitment has made it possible to know those that are serious and those that are not since the community is for only active people, and any account with no current pledge/request to provide help will block on the 3rd day of being idle.This is to stop people from being idle and busy cashing out their referrals bonuses.
  • Credibility Score – All accounts have an activity check that starts at 100% and grows or reduces depending on your activity in the system. Anytime the reliability score drops to ZERO (0)% your account will be blocked
  • No Cheating – There is no Room for anyone to throw in a huge amount of cash. The maximum help to give is N2million. Get Help Worldwide Blocked that by setting a limit for the amount of help to provide.
  • Security – GHW website is SSL protected (https), and also hacker proof. All participants Bank Account Details or Bitcoin address details are secured and cannot be changed again by you or anyone. To change it you need to contact their support. Therefore, if someone steals your password to wait in the maturity of your money he will grow old waiting because he cannot change the receiving account as the change of account would also be done through email verification.

In summary, Get Help Worldwide is very transparent, unique and has strict laid down rules and regulations and unlike most P2P donation platforms that were having problems, Get Help Worldwide has fixed all problems that the system may encounter in future.

Click here to join for free!

What are you waiting for? CREATE YOUR FREE ACCOUNT TODAY. Nonetheless, you can contact us to get Bitcoin at a cheaper rate today.


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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

1 thought on “2017 GET HELP WORLDWIDE Review – Make 30-50% Monthly, Register Now”

  1. Ghw is a great platform. Great rules to keep us going. 6months plus in Nigeria and still strong. Once in a month commitment and get 30% – 50% has been a blessing to me and my friends. Long live Ghw community. WhatsApp me. 08035068872


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