MMM United Review – How it works, and how you can make money from it

The rate of increase in popularity of MMM United is almost unreal, you can barely have a discussion now without having it pop up and lasting for hours as a topic of conversation. Thus, for the benefit of the few that do not know about it yet and are curious, I decided to write about this to enlighten us about it and how to become a participant.

I would like to quickly offer an overview of MMM United before I make a deep dive into what they do, and how anyone can make money through this system.

First and foremost, there is a difference between MMM United and MMM Global; MMM United is a splinter Ponzi scheme based on the same movement with claims of drawing their inspiration directly from MMM Global founder Mr Sergey Mavrodi. MMM United, according to their website are;

“The International community of Mavrodians is looking for a reliable, stable system with a promising future. The main goal of MMM United is to unite global leadership to erect an ideal system that can fulfil this mass requirement.”

From the above message, it is clear that MMM United attempts to humanise their marketing, to make it more about its members and minimising the significance of themselves.

However, there are concerns that exist around the fact that the MMM united website does not reveal details about the owners of the company; it obviously questions the legitimacy of the scheme and can be cause for doubts around whether or not to join it.

The History of MMM United

MMM United is said to be a spinoff of MMM Global; the bitcoin-based Ponzi scheme that went up in smokes early in 2016. But from its ashes arose MMM United with a vision to make monthly 100% returns for its members.

MMM United is operated by, in their own words “no other than a team of MMM participants from our respective national structures of MMM”.

The platform’s website has over 80% of its global traffic from India (in accordance with analysis), hence this points to a presumption that it is based in India (though this has not been yet confirmed).

How Does MMM United Work?

MMM United is a globally positioned social network for donation. Members place money in a common storage where it can be called upon when needed.  MMM United will grant a 100% return on every help you provide within a month; help is only provided in Bitcoins and when you receive help, it is also in Bitcoins. Now I will go into a brief description about Bitcoins and how to get a bitcoin wallet, get help and convert it to cash in your local currency.

Bitcoin is a global form of digital currency that is decentralised (not controlled by any financial institution) and is used to trade and make purchases online. You will need to set up a bitcoin wallet in order to join MMM United; to get a bitcoin wallet, quickly follow the instructions below.

How to create a bitcoin wallet:


  • Click on ‘create a new wallet’.
  • Enter your details as specified in the form.
  • You will receive an activation email to confirm your registration.
  • Click the link in the email to confirm your registration.
  • Log in to your account.
  • Click on ‘receive’.
  • You will see a long alphanumeric character, this is your bitcoin wallet ID, you need to copy it.
  • Paste it in a text editor (notepad or anyone else) and save, you will need it at a later time.

Voila, you have a bitcoin wallet and can now join MMM United.

Now, after you have set up your bitcoin wallet, it is time to complete your registration to MMM United. Go to their website and click on register, you will need to accurately fill in the information as requested on the form and then hit ‘Send Activation Link’ in order to receive an activation link to your email (Just like with bitcoin, you need to click this link to confirm your email and complete your registration process.

Now, all you need to do is log in” to your personal office (PO) and then declare your willingness to give help, after you do that you will be awarded a Mavro (Mavro is a kind of currency in MMM United that is used to measure your help) equivalent of the help you give. This very Mavro grows at 100% monthly and upon maturity, you can ‘Request Help’ and have the bitcoin equivalent of your Mavro value sent to your wallet by another MMM United participant who has ‘Pledged to give help’.

Note that you have total control over the amount of help you give, but your 100% monthly ROI depends on how much you have given. Also note that there is no central bank account where money is collected, and which represents a risk of being stolen. You may visit their website to learn a lot more about how it works and then get started.

With a scheme like MMM United comes a lot of buzz and craziness, and also a lot of criticism and scepticism, let us examine some of the benefits and doubts that have polarised opinions about it since it surfaced.

Benefits of MMM United

MMM United presents quite a number of attractive points that seem to pull in thousands of active users on a daily basis. These are;

  • 100% ROI: Well, who wouldn’t like to see their net worth multiply by a factor of two every month?
  • 5% Referral Bonus: You get 5% of monthly income of every participant you invited to MMM United through your referral link.
  • Guider’s Bonus: A Guider is a higher ranked participant who creates his own multi-level structure of other participants. As Guider, you will earn a bonus for any donation made by anyone” in your network.

MMM United – Risks and Criticisms

On the low side, these are the areas of risk in participating in MMM United scheme;

  • Anonymous ID; For a company that refuse to declare their ownership identity, it is believed that results from unwillingness to accept responsibility for anything that becomes of the scheme Mid to Long-term, including loss of money on the platform by participants, and a complete shutdown of the scheme.
  • 100% ROI; What? Well yes, it is a fact, a 100% ROI means that MMM United needs to keep growing doubly month over month, without this, it will become more difficult to source for the returns and that could lead to a meltdown of the scheme when debts owed are far too much to be paid by the members available.

MMM United Review – Conclusion

While I am not a promoter or marketer for MMM United, it is obviously no complete scam, however, one must go into it with caution and do not put too much in it for starters, because the more you pledge, the harder it is to source for your ROI among other participants. All in all, it is an opportunity to exponentially grow your funds, and while it remains, it will be a worthy point of attraction.


Join MMM United Now

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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