Google may be preparing two mid-range Android smartphones

The US manufacturer may be preparing two new surprises for the first few months of 2019. In this sense you point the new clues found within the software, noting the “Bonito”. This is the so-called code name for one of the two Android smartphones in the Google Pixel range mid-range.

First, the first references to mid-range Android smartphones were found in June of this year. However, it is only now that new clues have emerged around possible mobile devices.

As the international press advances, it was within the new ARCore APK source code that these clues emerged. There, buried inside the lines of code were detected allusions to two new Android smartphones, hitherto unknown.

In this sense, the reference to new devices within the source code of an application means that it is already prepared to support them. However, it does not imply that they will actually be submitted by Google.

Two new Google Android smartphones?

Secondly, while the first of the Android smartphones was already known by the code name “Bonito”, the new one now receives the nickname “Sargo”. Furthermore, I would remind you that Google has a long tradition of giving code names based on or inspired by fish. Yes, who does not remember the Motorola Nexus 6, the “Shamu“. In fact, we have a whole array of Android devices from Google whose code names were based on aquatic beings.

GooglePixelStand 4
Soon we will be able to get to know two new Android smartphones of this manufacturer.

Even so, for now, we have no minimally strong evidence to allow us to affirm that they will be presented. In fact, we can not even be certain that they will be made by Google and, as such, inherit the Google Pixel name.

Two new Google Pixel smartphones? Perhaps…

What we do know is that one of the apps (apps) from Google supports, in its source code, two mysterious smartphones. Now, will they be the next bets of the brand or not? Only time will tell.

However, if the rumors are right, we have two new smartphones with the platform Snapdragon 710 from Qualcomm. One of the most captivating lines of processors with top features.

In any case, we will be attentive to any news.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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