How To Get The Naira Sign On Android

Naira Sign On Android 1
Naira Sign On Android 1

If you’ve tried to type the naira sign on Android then you would know how difficult it is to do so. It is either you have the sign saved somewhere on your phone like in your note or clipboard, or you’ve Downloaded a custom keyboard for that sole purpose. The latter has been the most used by most people who want the naira sign embedded in their keyboard badly. Well, there is a new way to get the Naira Sign on your Android device without the need to copy and paste the sign each time you wanna use it or Download a totally new different keyboard for just that.

Google Keyboard, the stock keyboard that comes with every Android device now has the sign embedded in its keyboard. So you don’t the have go through the aforementioned methods to get the naira sign. However, you’ll have to Change your language settings in the Google keyboard app settings for the naira to be available on the Google keyboard. To do that, simply follow the outlined steps below.

How To Get The Naira Sign On Android

  • First of all, you’ll have to make sure you have the Google keyboard (Gboard) app installed on your device and Updated to the latest version. You can visit the Google play store to download or Update the app if you already have it installed.
  • Open the Gboard App and Click on Languages. Alternatively, you can pull up the Google keyboard app like you would like to type something, Press and hold the “,” button till you see a gear Icon pop up on top, slide your finger from the “,” to the gear Icon and then release. This will take you to the settings menu of the Gboard app where you can click on languages.

  • When Click on Languages, Click on Add Keyboard at the bottom of the of Screen and Search for “Nigeria” then Select it.

  • Choose “Qwerty” and Add.

  • Next, Go an empty space, pull up the keyboard then press and hold the Space button and Choose the Newly added Nigeria English keyboard.

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Now all you have to do is to go to the sign category in your Google keyboard to see the newly added Naira sign.


Using this method above to get the naira sign on Android means that you still get to use your precious Google keyboard and still have the naira sign embedded in it without having to down another keyboard app for just this purpose. If you run into any troubles or have questions about the this guide, don’t hesitate to drop it in the comment section down below.


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