How to silence users in WhatsApp groups

apps to add extra features to WhatsApp
apps to add extra features to WhatsApp

How to silence users in WhatsApp groups. Most WhatsApp users know the problem- in group conversations, there are always people who annoy anyone by sending spam. The good news is that now group administrators will have a little more power to silence those who write too much. We’ll explain how it’s done!

WhatsApp has become in a few years more than a simple messaging application. One of the proofs of its success is its increasingly frequent use to communicate professionally. As WhatsApp explains in a note published on his blog, “group discussions are used to receive important information and announcements, such as in schools, parents and teachers, social partners or NGOs”.

That’s why the app now has a feature that allows administrators to have better tools for these configurations.

How to silence users in WhatsApp groups

To enable this feature, follow these instructions:

  • Open WhatsApp
  • Click on the group of which you are the administrator
  • Open group information
  • Tap Settings / Group settings> Send messages and select “Administrators only”.
  • This setting is available to all users worldwide on the latest versions of the application.

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