How To Turn Off Google Assistant On Samsung Phones

Simply put, Google Assistant is Google’s voice assistant. When it was unveiled, it served as an extension of Google Now, designed to be personal while expanding on Google’s existing “OK Google” voice controls. Fast forward to 2021, Google Now is no longer existing, and Assistant rules by making life easier for several phone owners.

Google Assistant provides voice commands, voice searching, and voice-activated device control allowing you to complete a number of tasks after saying the magic words. In summary, it was designed to give phone users conversational interactions.

If you are not aware, as Google Assistant gets to know you better, it will begin to react to your commands in a very smart manner. This is key as it grants voice control a lot more power, despite the fact that it was clearly designed to be more than just reactive.

As you already know, Google Assistant is a virtual assistant developed by Google, and users are allowed to interact with their voices by just saying “Hey Google,” and Immediately giving out an instruction. However, some people do not just fancy this feature at all and will prefer to deactivate it completely on their mobile device If you’re one of these people, see How To Turn Off Google Assistant On Samsung Phones:

How Can I Disable Google Assistant On My Samsung Phone?

  • Launch the Google application.
  • Click “More” in the bottom right corner of the Google app.
  • Click “Settings.”
  • Click “Google Assistant.”
  • Click “General.”
  • Click on the toggle button close to Google Assistant to deactivate it. A confirmation window will then be visible.
Turn Off Google Assistant Samsung
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  • Click “Turn off.” Google Assistant will be disabled immediately.
Turn Off Google Assistant Samsung
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How Can I Disable Google Assistant On My Samsung Phone (Method 2)?

  • Open your phone’s settings.
Turn Off Google Assistant Samsung
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  • Click Google (Google settings.)
  • Click “Account Services.”
  • Click “Search, Assistant & Voice.”
  • Click “Google Assistant.”
  • Click “General.”
  • Click on the toggle button close to Google Assistant to disable it. A confirmation window will then be visible.
  • Click “TURN OFF.”

How Can I Remove Google Assistant From The Home Button On My Samsung Phone?

  • Access your phone’s settings.
  • Access “Apps.”
  • Click on the 3-dots menu icon seen at the top right, and then click “Default Apps.”
Turn Off Google Assistant Samsung
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  • Click “Device Assistance App” or “Assist App.”
  • Click Device Assistance App.”
  • Choose “None” or select another option.

Google Assistant will immediately be removed from your phone’s Home button.

You can also just say, “Hey Google, turn yourself off,” to get directions on how to do it.

That is that.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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