How to watch MP4 or MKV movies or videos on iPhone or iPad

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There are many applications that allow us to watch videos or movies. NetflixYoutube, PlexKodi, are some of the applications that allow streaming of multimedia content on iPhone or iPad.

These applications mentioned above, however, allow you to watch video content only if connected to the internet. And if we had movies or TV series on our Mac O PC and we wanted to upload them to the device to watch them offline?

How you do it?

Just use a note application, VLC.

With VLC we can:

  1. Load videos in many different formats such as- avi, mkv, mp4
  2. See the uploaded content offline, without needing to connect to the internet.

What we need

We need two applications. VLC installed on iPhone or iPad. iTunes installed on PC or Mac.

Let’s move on to the procedure.

Guide. Upload mp4, avi, mkv videos to iPhone or iPad with VLC and iTunes

The contents must first be uploaded to the device.

Even earlier, you will need to connect your iPhone or iPad to your PC / Mac via a lightning cable.

Let’s start!

  1. Download on the iPhone or iPad VLC from the AppStore
  2. Open iTunes on Mac or PC.
  3. Authorize iPhone or iPad to connect to iTunes.
  4. Select your device in iTunes.
  5. Move to the sidebar and select file sharing.
  6. Move to the right where there are the apps on the iPhone and iPad that allow file sharing
  7. Select VLC from the listed apps
  8. Select the add button
  9. After selecting added, a finder window will open which will allow us to select the file to upload.
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Once the video to be uploaded has been selected, the loading process will begin on the iPhone or iPad.

When the process is finished, we will have uploaded the file to VLC on iPhone or iPad.

how to watch the video on VLC

Now we just have to open the movie or video that has been uploaded.

We open VLC, we cover the menu on the top left. In the sidebar that opens we select all the files.

In the screen that opens, we will find the video we have uploaded. We can watch it without an internet connection as it is saved locally. It only occupies the memory of the iPhone or iPad, this procedure does not consume data traffic.


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