Is this the iPhone 8? See Leaked iPhone 8 images

News about the next flagship device from Apple Inc. has been making rounds for more than 3 months now. While many users and phone enthusiast first predicted that the next device in line for release from Apple was the iPhone 8, the release of the Red iPhone 7 and Red iPhone 7Plus nullified those prediction.

Hours back, exclusive images were leaked online by BGR. BGR claims the images were “the world’s first look at Apple’s final iPhone 8 design in real life”.

Take a look at the images below;

Leaked iPhone 8 images

leaked iphone 8 image
Leaked iPhone 8 image – no home button/fingerprint scanner?

A closer look at the image above reveals lack of home button and fingerprint scanner. This is because the iPhone 8 is believed to have an edge-to-edge OLED display; which will give no room for a home button. Where then will the fingerprint scanner be located? ’cause there’s no way Apple is releasing an iPhone 8 without a fingerprint scanner.

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Leaked iPhone 8 image – no 3.5mm earphone jack

The second image shows that the iPhone 8 won’t be having an earphone jack. This further conforms with earlier reports that Apple won’t be bringing back the 3.5mm earphone jack on the iPhone 8.

leaked iphone 8 image
Leaked iPhone 8 image – vertical dual camera set-up?

Looking at the image above, a vertical dual camera set-up can be seen. But where is the LED flash? Seem to be absent. This further leaves room for doubt of the genuineness of these leaked images by BGR.

leaked iphone 8 image
Leaked iPhone 8 image – will it be this bulky?

The iPhone 8 is no doubt the most anticipated device of the year. We have been fed with several news, information and beautiful render images about the upcoming iPhone 8 in the past that have increased our thirst and anxiousness for the device.

For example, there was a report by KGI Securities that Apple is reportedly going to embody the upcoming iPhone 8 with wireless charging feature. Not only the iPhone 8, but other iPhone models that will be released in 2024 will also be coming with this feature.

Likewise, Apple is also reportedly tripling the production of the iPhone 8 as they gear towards the preparation of a grand 10th anniversary celebration come September.

What do you think about these images? Could these be the real look if the iPhone 8?

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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