Generally, a diploma, undergraduate, or higher level graduate is no longer unfamiliar with the term CV. Especially for those who are job seekers in certain companies or agencies. CV which is a popular abbreviation of curriculum vitae is one type of file that is quite needed for a job applicant.
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This type of file itself becomes very necessary because from there the party from the job provider to be applied for can find out our identity as the applicant. Therefore, do not take the CV case lightly. Because this one document often has a big role in influencing and determining the decision of the recruiter.
For this reason, there are several important things that really need to be considered whenever designing or designing a curriculum vitae. Starting from what information can be entered, what personal data is not really needed, to covering how to compose and design a CV itself. For more details, please listen to the review of the curriculum vitae in pdf format below.
The Importance of Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae or popularly called CV is one of the mandatory documents that are often requested by certain agencies or companies when applying for jobs there. This document will more or less describe personal information or data about yourself. It can be said that this document will explain your life history which can be used as a value for consideration for the position applied for. Therefore, the contents of a CV will generally revolve around information on achievements, work experience, educational traces, to the skills possessed. This information will then be taken into consideration by the assessment team or the Human Resources Department (HRD) of the relevant agency whether you are eligible for the position you are applying for or not.
Even though it seems easy to make because it only covers personal information, in reality, the assessors generally don’t just look at the information presented, but the side of creativity in making this document is also a point that cannot be ruled out. This means that it takes a separate creativity to compile and design a CV in order to create a good and communicative format to its readers. A good CV format in this case is the personal data format which is also able to contain information on achievements, education, skills, and so on in a concise manner in a clear and easy-to-read display. Although the main point in making a CV is the content of clear and communicative information,
Tips for Making an Attractive CV
Although the interview stage is a stage that is known to be quite important when applying for a job, don’t ever underestimate the CV issue. As already described, CV can be a form of first impression HRD to you before the interview to assess the extent of your suitability for the desired position. It is not impossible that one of the reasons that often makes someone fail in a recruitment process lies in the problem of his CV and vice versa, sometimes an interesting CV and its contents can be conveyed well to the reader can be the reason HRD is interested in passing you to the next stage, of course as long as the personal data you describe in your CV in accordance with the required qualifications. Therefore, before compiling a pdf format curriculum vitae, here are some tips that can be used:
Make it concise without the need for pages
If you often find various forms of curriculum vitae in pdf format, most of the formats with information will only be presented on one sheet. This is because the information contained in the CV should be concise without compromising the essence of the information to be conveyed. Using too many sheets will only damage HRD’s interest in reading them.
Use the Right Position and Size
Make sure to fill in the CV using the right writing format, both in terms of size, type, or type of lettering, to its placement. Generally, the format used is Arial size 12 (or maximum 14) with right and left-aligned paragraph mode.
Enter Personal Data Information As Necessary
The presence of a curriculum vitae is basically not just explaining to HRD about our personal information in general. But more specifically, HRD will generally only find out what experience and abilities match the qualifications they are looking for. Therefore, including too much life experience and skills that are basically not needed will only be a minus for the recruiter. For example, you can simply display the experience for the past 3 years or a trace of education at least from the high school level.
Test Creativity with Apps
In addition to the problem of format, the design of the CV must also be made as attractive as possible. The more attractive the CV, the greater the opportunity to be glimpsed by HRD. Therefore, do not always rely on the same applications, such as Microsoft Word. Although this Microsoft product is also often used to design CVs, we recommend using the most recent version for more up-to-date results. Besides Microsoft Word, you can test your creativity more broadly by trying applications such as Corel Draw, Canva, and other editing applications that already provide various attractive CV templates.
Good and Attractive CV Format
In addition to the tips described above, another thing that needs to be considered in making a CV is complete personal data information. At least a CV includes information about name, work experience and organization, education, and special abilities. This information can be used as the selling point of a potential applicant. However, for additional information, you can also add various other information as needed. For more details, here are some examples of curriculum vitae in pdf format that can be used as a reference for making a CV.
Personal data
Personal data that you can enter into your CV other than your full name, may include your address, place and date of birth, gender, religion, marital status, telephone number, e-mail, and social media. You can also add further personal data keeping in view how necessary it is conveyed.
Traces of Formal and Informal Education
Attaching educational information is of course mandatory for a graduate of a formal education level. Basically, you can include a history of education starting at the elementary level, but if there are still many other important things that need to be included, it is enough to include starting from the year of high school entry to the last education, along with the year of entry and graduation.
In addition, you can also include traces of informal education that you have taken as an added value, such as public speaking, sewing courses, or other types of training. Don’t forget to include the year of entry.
Work Experience/Organization
Work experience and organization do not have to be included in everything. Just include at least the last 3 years of experience or at least the one most related to the position applied for and the jobdesk of the job you are looking for. Do not forget to include the year of participation.
Abilities, including hard skills and soft skills, are indeed additional qualifications that are often needed in addition to educational qualifications and work experience. , leadership, and so on.
Don’t Forget to Attach a Photo
Although it is not always a heavy consideration for recruiters, including a photo of yourself can be a form of validating personal data for your CV. With a photo of yourself, the appearance of your CV will always be more alive and be like a valid personal data document.