Samsung buys artificial intelligence startup to improve Bixby’s conversation

Samsung has acquired yet another company to add to its products. She bought the Fluently, South Korean startup – from the same country as the manufacturer – specializing in artificial intelligence text-based conversation in order to enhance the Bixby assistant.

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Launched in the United States in 2015, the tool is compatible with many third-party services such as Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and WhatsApp. It is not yet confirmed whether Samsung will make it available on the Play Store or whether its use will be restricted to Bixby.

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Bixby conversation system should receive improvements after inclusion of Fluently tool / Photo – Reproduction

What is certain is that the artificial intelligence center of the brand, Samsung Research, would have been the driving force behind the acquisition. The values ​​of the negotiation were not disclosed.

“Samsung is now aggressively expanding its AI capabilities, taking on the workforce and related organizations, as it believes the technology will be applied in all areas in the future,” said Lee Byung-Tae, a professor at KAIST College of Business in Seoul, South Korea.

The Fluently works like this – If the user receives a message “Are you free for lunch today?” , The artificial intelligence tool indicates the following responses: “Of course, what do you like?”And “I’m down! I’ll create an event on the calendar” The suggestions vary depending on the dialect of the person using the resource.

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Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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