The new Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 plus have some flaws

Samsung Galaxy S8 flaws

The Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 plus is only less than a month old and some users are already reportedly having issues with the devices.

While the devices are yet to reach some customers who preordered, the early birds who have laid hands on their S8 and S8 plus have pointed out some things they don’t like about the devices. Not just “things”, but flaws. Some of these flaws are mere design flaws, some are from the factory. Let’s have a quick look at them.

  1. The edges are very fragile, and breaks easily

It is no longer news that the Galaxy S8 and S8+ both have curved edges. And that was why Samsung named the bigger variant of the S8 – ‘S8+’ and not ‘S8 edge’. Back to the matter, the curved edges of the S8 devices breaks easily.

Samsung Galaxy S8 flaws
Samsung Galaxy S8 flaws – smashed s8 body

Don’t get me wrong here, it isn’t the screen that gets shattered easily, rather the body of the device. Good news about this is that there’s a way out – by using a protective case/cover.

2. Using the fingerprint sensor covers the rear camera
Samsung Galaxy S8 flaws
Samsung Galaxy S8 flaws – fingerprint sensor

The gif file above explains it all. You see the lady trying to unlock her S8 using the fingerprint sensor.Notice how her finger is covering the rear camera in the process?

Ever since when Samsung unveiled the S8 and S8 plus, certain phone and design enthusiasts raised some concerns about the position of the fingerprint sensor, saying the position is awkward and all that. Many didn’t understand then but now that the reality of the awkward fingerprint positioning is coming to pass, we most likely will have to keep using the sensor that way until the S9.

The position of the fingerprint sensor however, wouldn’t be ​a problem for left-handed users. They can go ahead to unlock their precious phone without blurring the camera lens.

3. Some S8 display have a reddish colour
Samsung Galaxy S8 flaws
Samsung​ Galaxy S8 flaws – reddish display

Although some reviews and experts rate the Galaxy S8’s screen as one of the best display ever seen on a smartphone, there are reports that some units of the S8 came out having a factory problem – a reddish display. The Herald explains that the reddish tint might be caused by the color balance of the screen.

Samsung​, however, have asked users having this reddish tint problem to replace their device(s) at Samsung service centers

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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