Bomb! Facebook is preparing a super smartwatch!

The Internet received news that fell like a bomb. Facebook is thinking about getting involved in the hardware field and as such will launch a smartwatch that should be launched next year. The news that was advanced by The Information website and amplified by several other means may seem strange. However, it even makes sense. Mark Zuckerberg’s social network has grown so much that this type of expansion is a way to guarantee even more income and popularity. Especially because the smartwatches market is hot. In fact, Facebook considers wearables to be the most attractive bet, right after smartphones.

Bomb! Facebook is preparing a super smartwatch!

Considering that there is still some time before we have this device in our hands, it is natural that there is not much information yet. However, it was revealed that the main focus of this equipment is messages and fitness. In addition, it must support mobile connectivity.

As I mentioned above one of the main features will be the messages. Of course, this has all the logic. After all, many people use Facebook, mainly to access Messenger. In addition, they also have WhatsApp and Instagram. The other very important feature is the direct connection to mobile networks. That way people can be in contact with friends and family, without the need to use a smartphone.

Nowadays people look for health and fitness-related features on a smartphone. As Facebook is not silly and is attentive to the market, this is what you will bet on. So, we should have at least one heart rate meter and the possibility to check the oxygen in the blood.

What operating system will be present?

The information circulating on the Internet speaks of an open-source version of the Android operating system. However, it does not mean that it will be like this forever. That said, The Information also says that Facebook may be working on its own operating system.

This entry into the market will not be easy

Facebook will start entering a market where we already have several strong competitors. If we look at the best-priced wearables, we certainly have those from Xiaomi. They are beautiful machines. Incidentally, the Xiaomi Mi Band is crazy. However, if we look at the most expensive we have the Apple Watch to reign. In price, but above all in quality and features. So it won’t be an easy way and Facebook has to think very carefully about the cost of this wearable.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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