Google Maps will start to tell you where you can find charging stations for electric cars

Electric cars (and other vehicles such as motorcycles, for example) are booming, and although there is still a bit to make it more usual, it is becoming more common to see them. And in some countries, it is increasingly common to see that they are being standardized. So how could it be otherwise, Google has gotten to work, and briefly, we will begin to see directions to see where we can charge our electric vehicle in Google Maps.

Of course, it is possible that in your country there are not many charging stations, but there are many countries that do have many of them, in fact, you may have more than you think around you but are not aware of them, that’s why Google is here to help you.

Information and location of charging stations

How can we tell Google Maps to search for restaurants, coffee shops, places of interest in a city or, of course, gas stations, because now you can also search for charging stations, we still do not know if it will reach certain countries first and then it will be extended, but In any case, I do not think it’ll take longer to see it.

In addition to the situation, it will also give us important information apart from charging locations. For example, the types of port they use or the speed of charging, which is extremely important to know if you are interested or not at the moment before charging your vehicle there, it seems that it will also tell you whether or not the ports are being occupied already.

Google Maps Electric Vehicle Charging Stations 2

As we have said there are countries where electric vehicles are more standardized than in others, we assume that they will arrive in those countries sooner if a global launch of the functionality is not made and although it may not be useful in your country. In places like the United States or the United Kingdom, it is increasingly common to see electric vehicles, and the number of charging stations, not only is already quite large, but also increasing, and we hope that we find more of that too in other countries.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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