How To Activate Dark Mode On Google Contacts App On Android?


Fairplay to Google for admitting recently that dark theme preserves battery and they intend to release Dark Mode to every app on Android devices.

Maybe the Android operating system will be getting a toggle switch that will be turning on the Dark Mode anytime in the future, but presently, it is turn by turn and the Google Contacts app is the most recent one to receive the Dark Mode feature.

Applications like YouTube, Messages already possess the dark mode, and have even highlighted how the dark mode can be used on Google Chrome.

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How Can I Enable Dark Theme In Google Contacts?

Google recently made the Dark Mode accessible in Google Contact apps with the version 3.2.

It is very simple to activate or deactivate. As soon as you launch the Google Contacts app, the hamburger menu will be visible on the left side, simply click on it to access the option, then click “Turn Dark Theme On” and that is that.

Immediately you activate the Dark Mode, the entire user interface of Google Contacts app will transform to dark grey instantly.

It is not totally black, as that would’ve made appear like an AMOLED friendly theme, but the dark grey color is appealing to the eye with icons of various colors showing in the Dark UI of Google Contacts App. And it is still very useful when it comes to preventing you from straining your eyes and preserving your phone battery.

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If you cannot view the Dark Mode option, just force stop from Settings and relaunch it. The option should be visible after that.

If it is still nowhere to be found, the option is being released gradually and it will be accessible to your Android smartphone very soon. Be patient.


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