How To Deal With Loneliness?


As per the Cigna U.S. loneliness index, some US citizens have so taken loneliness to a whole new level that young American citizens are actually the most lonely humans in the world.

Almost half of the respondents revealed that they always feel alone at times, over forty percent disclosed that they sometimes think their relationships are meaningless while more than half said they engage in an ideal social interaction everyday.

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This does not exclude the UK as well, it got so bad that Prime Minister Theresa May even had to appoint a Minister of loneliness.

It is one of the issues humans face, and a problem that cannot be rectified easily. It is a common type of isolation and pain that is closely related to depression, and its defined as not being social as you should.

Even if it feels like a very huge problem, there are some vital steps you can take on a daily basis to snap out of your lonely life. Here are some of them:

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1. End That Indoor Life

When you are feeling low and lonely, leave the house and get some fresh, clean air. Grab a drink or meal so you can engage in brief interaction with a cashier or a random person. Moving out sometimes can temporarily assist you to feel less lonely, so ensure you are outdoor and take a walk on a daily basis.

2. Exercise

A good workout gives you energy and endorphins that boosts your mood. If you feel you do not workout regularly, create time for walks, or get yourself registered for a exercise class, yoga, boxing and so on. Do not skip them and treat them with the kind of seriousness you give your daily job. Honor all appointments.

3. Occupy Yourself

The Cigna study revealed that if anyone is working less than desired, the loneliness they face is always higher than a person with a full-time employment. The more work you do, the more family you hang out with, the more workout you engage in, the less lonely you will be and the more focus that will be placed on improving your life.

4. Use The Phone

Speaking to a friend or loved one in person or when you are on the phone helps create a deep bond than a regular SMS or mail. If you feel you are yet to communicate with your tightest buddies for a long time, call them up now, and always create time to see them face to face as this will take away any form of loneliness.

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5. Manage Your Screen Time

Several humans feel linking up with people through social media, dating apps and SMSes is the ideal way to interact, but even if it does the job to an extent, it is only a superficial way to communicate. Reduce your time with your phone, PC or TV, move outside and meet people. It will enhance your mental and physical health, and it will aid you to get rid of loneliness.

6. Ask For Help

If you have tried all we have highlighted and your loneliness is not going away, seek professional help. It does not have to be only you battling it alone, involve your family, friends or a therapist and you can all find a solution together.


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