How To Increase GLO Internet Connection Speed

We have received messages saying that their internet connection is slow, we have looked into this and we have concluded on providing a better solution.glo nigeria 1


Well it not really a trick, you just need to do some settings and that all. This might work for you and it might not, although we have tried it and it is working. We will be giving you a APN to use to make our internet connection a little bit faster than the usual speed.

All you need to do to get started is to go to SETTINGS, click MORE, then click  on CELLULAR NETWORK, then click on ACCESS POINT NAME (APN),

Change your APN to or

That’s all.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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