Recognize and delete suspicious applications from a Mac


The main problem that many personal computer owners, with any operating system, are forced to face is the installation of dangerous or annoying applications. Adware, spyware, and viruses disguised as harmless software are just some of the possible dangers that we may encounter during our stay on the network. How do we recognize and possibly eliminate a possible threatening application from our Mac? Thanks to this guide we will see, step by step, how to preserve our computer from these numerous dangers.

Mac- a portion of the history of computing

In this article, we will find out how to defend, recognize and delete suspicious software from a Mac. This family of computers was conceived by Apple in 1985 and is called Macintosh (derives from a type of apple, the McIntosh).

The first model, Macintosh 128K, presented two important goals for Apple- the return of Steve Jobs in the company, after having been dismissed as a result of some choices considered wrong for Apple Lisa, and the demonstration that the WIMP paradigm could be universally appreciated even by not experts.

Today, after a long technical evolution, this family of computers is appreciated by many consumers.

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Protect yourself from dangerous or annoying software

I want to ask you a question- how often, during the installation phase of a program in your Mac, have you read the terms and conditions? Often, many users accept this long document without reading it and, by doing so, they will also consent to the smaller postilla. The result? In some cases, during the installation, other unwanted software will be added.

The developers who decide to foist these users bundle attempt to earn money by installing a high number of applications often consumers to third parties. These programs, offered for free, could be very annoying or even dangerous.

To avoid this problem, I advise you to always read the terms and conditions and, above all, to always check if other unauthorized installations appear. I also advise against acquiring (by check) the installation of other products.

Always keep in mind a distinction- the software to avoid are the optional ones of third parties and not those necessary to make the main program work properly, such as Adobe Flash Player or the Java Platform.

Remove suspicious software

Uninstall definitely a malicious program from your Mac could be an operation complex. These products often tend to integrate with the system. There is, however, a procedure with which you can finally get rid of these unbearable applications.

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Click on the desktop and click on “Go” in the bar at the top. A drop-down menu will appear- select “Utilities” (or “Utilities“, in case the main language of the computer is English). Search now “Activity Monitor” (or “Activity Monitor“), the application with which to view all your applications, their consumption and close those unwanted. Choose the process to “kill”, select it and click the “X” placed at the top (use the next image as a reference).

Now, only after completing this procedure, go to “Applications“, reachable using Spotlight or through the already treated menu appeared after the click on “Go“. Find the application to be deleted, right click on the respective name and select “Move to trash” (or “Move to Trash“). Alternatively, you can drag the file to the trash. Now, as the last step, empty the “garbage”, present in the dock.

Avoid reinstallation

Many suspicious applications, however, tend to resist. Some files linked to them, which were not deleted during installation, may cause the newly uninstalled software to reappear even after the first reboot.

To avoid these “weeds” returning to your computer you will have to perform a simple but effective procedure.

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Click the Cupertino company logo (the bitten apple) in the status bar. In the drop-down menu that will appear immediately after the click, select the item “System Preferences” (in English, “System Preferences“). Click on “Users and Groups” (“Users & Groups“) and, if requested, select your account. The card that interests us is Access Items (Login Items)- here you will find all the applications that start automatically after turning o your Mac. Analyze every single item and, in case you find something suspicious, select with a click the application and click on the minus button, recognizable by the symbol ““.


Now you know how to defend yourself from possible dangerous applications installed on your Mac. However, I advise you to pay close attention to every single software you decide to install. Check the site that keeps the file and verify that it is actually safe and authorized to distribute that particular program.


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