Top 5 Free Tools to Check Website Speed Of Mobile and Desktop Version

Have you owned a blog/website? If so, then you should be continuously checking your website speed. Because to get a higher ranking in Google SERP, your website needs to have good load speed. In July 2018, Google officially announced that the page speed would be a ranking factor. And so, for measuring your website speed, you need tools. And that’s what you get in this article. After testing many tools, we have finally come up with the top 5 free website speed checker tool lists.

Using these free tools, you will be able to see the full insights of your website speed along with the solution to improve. These tools will scan the full website/blog and figure out the things that slow-downs the website. So, let’s start this article by defining the exact nature and work of website speed test tools.

What Is Page Speed Test Tool?

It’s a type of tool built for scanning the various objects of a web page. The scanning result represents everything about the website like Page size, page load speed, breakdown graph or text of files like javascript, HTML, Images, fonts, etc. They help website owners to understand the metrics of their website.

Page speed test tools can have many extra features that can represent the things that slow down the website. Like, render blocking objects, server response time, time to load a full page, time to interact with a user, first contentful paint, speed index, and many more.

The best part of these tools is they literally show the slow downing statistics that can enhance the site performance. Now, let me represent those five free page speed test tools that really work great and are the best in the market.

Top 5 Free Tools to Check Website Speed of Both the Mobile and Desktop Version

Here are the most popular free website speed test tools that can show the problems of your site, along with an improvement guide to enhancing the speed:

1. PageSpeed Insights

This one is the most popular, and I think I should say the official page speed test tool to check the web page speed because giant Google powers this tool. PageSpeed Insight is a web page speed test tool that scans the web page very smartly and represents the real-time metrics. And by analyzing the site metric, the site owner can enhance the load speed and other things like render-blocking, Image optimization, etc.

This tool is recently updated, and Google has partnered with a lighthouse. Lighthouse analyzes the speed score in PageSpeed Insights in real-time. And Google represents the factors that are slowing the website down along with the solution. Now, let me show you how you can check the speed of a website with PageSpeed Insight.

How to Check Website Speed with Page Speed Insights

A step-by-step process to check the website speed using PageSpeed Insights:

  1. First, visit the PageSpeed Insight tool website.
  2. Enter the URL of the web page you want to scan.
  3. Then hit analyze.
  4. Once you hit the analyze button, PageSpeed Insights will start scanning the web page you have entered. It takes up to 30-60sec for a complete scan. It may take more than that if the web page has a huge amount of data.
  5. Now you can see the page speed and other statistics. It will automatically present you the speed in the mobile version. Switch the tab to the desktop and see the metrics of a desktop version of the URL.
  6. Done.

That’s it. PageSpeed Insight is very simple to analyze any web page. And that’s why it’s listed in the first of our top free page speed test tools list.

2. Pingdom

Another real-time page speed analyzer that breaks down every corner of the webpage to see glitches slowing down the load speed is Pingdom. Pingdom is a very popular and feature-rich speed analyzer tool. It scans contents like HTML, javascript, CSS, image, text plain, redirects, and more. Moreover, Pingdom has many products that monitor the website activities like uptime, transaction, etc. And to analyze any website with Pingdom, you don’t need to pay them any penny. It’s 100% free. Now, let me show you how you can test any web page speed with the Pingdom tool.

Here is the step-by-step process to test the speed of the page using the Pingdom tool:

  1. First, visit the Pingdom Website using your mobile or computer.
  2. Enter the web page or your website URL in the URL box.
  3. Select the place you want to test for and then hit the start test button.
  4. Please wait for a minute; the time it will take to scan will depend upon your website data.
  5. Scroll down a little, and you will get the speed result of that web page.
  6. Done.

Pingdom is literally the best and free tool to analyze any web page speed. And that’s the reason it’s on our list with 2nd position.

3. GTmetrix

GTmetrix tool will give you full insights about the web page’s speed and the recommendation to improve the slowing down objects. It represents the data very well than Pingdom. In GTmetrix, you will get important details about page speed like performance score, page details. In the performance score section, you will see the PageSpeed score and YSlow score. And in the Page details section, you see the results like fully loaded time, total page size, and requests. These two sections will give you the important details about the web pages.

Moreover, you will get actionable recommendations about the improvements you need to make. Like in image optimization, minimize requests size, minimize redirects, page landing, and many more. Now, let me show you how you can scan any web page or website with GTmetrix.

Here is the step-by-step process to analyze the website speed using GTmetrix:

  1. Firstly, click here and visit the GTmetrix official tool site.
  2. Put the URL in the URL box to scan the webpage.
  3. Hit the Analyze button and wait for a minute (maximum).
  4. Once the result pop-ups, watch the statistics and scroll down for more details and improvement recommendations.
  5. Done.

GTmetrix has an excellent interface and technology that helps people to scan webpage with real-time results. This tool is recommended for you.

4. Web Page Test

The name of this tool sounds exactly what we wanted to do. Web page test is another web page speed test tool that has features similar to PageSpeed Insights. Actually, it has more features than any web page speed test tool. Web Page test has too many modes like Advanced speed test, simple speed test, visual comparison, and traceroute. There is no tool available like this that offering valuable tools for free. You can choose any mode to analyze the speed of a particular web page. Now, let me drive you through the process of analyzing the website or web page speed with a web page test.

Here are the steps that you need to take to analyze the web page speed using web page test:

  1. Hit here and visit the Web Page test tool’s official website.
  2. Select the mode like Advanced, simple, etc.
  3. Put the URL of the web page you want to scan.
  4. Select the location from which you want to test.
  5. Select the device you want to analyze.
  6. And finally, hit the Start test button and wait for a minute (maximum).
  7. Once the scanning is done, you can see the various speed details about the web page you entered for the scan.
  8. It also offers some recommendations to improve.
  9. Done.

If you are looking for high and advanced web page scanning, you should go with the Web page test tool. Because it really offers a good amount of features and technology.

5. Uptrends Website Speed Test

Uptrends has built many tools that help people analyze website speed, free monitoring, uptime check, traceroute, and more. And the features it provides for scanning a web page are also unbeatable. In the Website speed test tool, you can set the scan speed from a specific browser like Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer. You can set devices like Mobile, desktop to check the speed from. Most importantly, it also provides an option to check the speed from a particular place like New York, India, London, Singapore, and more.

In the results, you can see every data on the web page. Let me show you how you can start analyzing with the Uptrends Website Speed Test tool.

Follow the simple steps to analyze the speed of any web page using the uptrends website speed test tool:

  1. First, visit Uptrend’s website speed test tool using any device you have, like a mobile computer.
  2. Write the web page in the URL box you want to scan.
  3. Choose the place you want to scan from.
  4. Select the device, browser, and bandwidth throttling like the native.
  5. Then hit the start button and wait for scanning to end. It may take up to 1 minute, depending upon the data size of the web page.
  6. Scroll down to see the various data and details of website speed.
  7. Done.

The best thing I liked about the Uptrend website speed test tool is it provides the options to check the speed from various aspects like devices, browsers, etc. Must check out this tool if you want advanced scanning of web page speed.


Having a website is not enough to get your product, content to succeed in the world. You need to maintain its speed to rank in Google Search Engine and other search engines like Bing, Yahoo. And you can do that by analyzing your Website or web page. We have made it easier for you by providing free Web Speed test tools.

Just pick anyone from above and start fixing the issues that are slowing your website down. Every tool that I listed has a unique feature and function. So, I must check out all of them one-by-one.

Hopefully, you liked this article? Please share this article with your friends who have a website and help them discover free speed test tools. I’ll see you at the next one.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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