How A Politician Can Delete His Or Her Social Media History?


If a political party was trying to bring up anything to implicate a rival candidate with, Allan Watt – a Sydney-based social media investigation specialist, can be called upon.

All they have to do is hand over the candidate’s name or phone number, and Watt will do his thing by running it through a suite of subscription-only forensics programs.

His words, “They trawl through social media looking for search words,”

“Some of the forensic ones are only available to forensic people.”

“Other ones – you can just download them.”

Politicians get sent parking from their parties, or left on their on, due to racist, homophobic, Islamophobic or posts that were considered offensive.

Elections these days are filled with leaked screenshots – and candidates lose a potential position in the process.

It is a great thing for the nations they are vying for positions in though, since it means candidates that have posted anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic and other types of comments are screened out.

But trust me, when i say, that will not last.

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It is possible that, in future polls, political parties will ensure proper screening of their candidates’ social media histories before any collective decision is made.

This is how to make it happen.

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1. Search By Yourself

This Facebook search tool lets you locate all comments you have ever shared, all images you have ever been tagged in and many more.

2. Bulk Deletion

This Chrome extension, Social Book Post Manager, allows you to filter posts by months and year and even let you have access to particular keywords – for instance “super hungry reptiles ruled the universe.”

3. Remember Your Timeline

With Facebook Timeline Cleaner, which is a Firefox browser extension, you will be able to get rid or hide everything on your timeline, or you can remove everything older than a particular number of days.

4. Twitter

With Tweet Deleter, you can filter through your tweets or search for a particular keyword that you intend to check out. After that, you are allowed to decide to get rid of selected tweets or erase all of them if you want to remove all you have ever said on the social media website and begin all over again.

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5. Shun Everything Above And Seek Professional Help

The programs i touched on earlier will not cost you anything to use, but if you want a more detailed job you can get someone paid to fish out your past. Allan said, “There are people out there who profess to be almost like cleansers, You can chuck in a bit of detail about yourself and they’ll give you a teaser and show you what you can find – when you pay money they give a full report.” In some countries, it is very legal to make use of some very robust forensic programs.

Allan continued, “There’s a mobile phone one that if I lawfully had somebody’s mobile phone to copy in I can access all the social media accounts associated with that phone, and then I can extract the data from those accounts

“Without a search warrant or subpoena in Australia that’s against the law.”

6. Delete Everything You Can And Have Faith That Screenshots Do Not Exist

A social media expert and lecturer in journalism at UTS, who goes by the name, Jenna Price, has recommended getting rid of everything. Jenna said, “If you’re thinking about going into politics, delete your Facebook account,” she told Hack.

“Get rid of it all and hope no-one has taken screenshots.”

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However, Watt warned that getting rid of your personal social media account will not delete a post someone else shared. The best answer to this problem is to not be racist, misogynist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, anti-Immigrant.

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Price agrees, “That’d be my number one tip,”

“The core problem for us is that our political parties are not attracting the right kind of people.

“This has really been a blessing in disguise.”


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