How To Enable Bluetooth File Transfer To Android Phones on macOS

File Transfer
File Transfer

Do you want to enable Bluetooth file transfer to Android phones on your macOS? If yes, then continue reading.

iOS powered devices are just like a big family. Therefore, sending files across iOS devices are a breeze. Sending to other Operating systems like Android? Not so much. While you may have Options like airdrop to share files across iOS devices, Sharing to other operating systems require you to use Bluetooth.

However, there are numerous other third-party apps you can download from the internet. These apps can enable you to send files to other operating systems. One worthy of note would be Xender. With Xender you can seamlessly send files From Android to Android, iOS to iOS, and iOS or Android to PC very easily. That is if you would like to make use of a third-party app.

Enable Bluetooth File transfer

If you would not like to use a third-party app. The only option you have left would be to use the Bluetooth file transfer method. Although I doubt people still use Bluetooth to transfer files these days but that’s the only option you have without using a third-party app.

If you were thinking that transferring files from macOS to Android was simply then you are wrong. Just turning on Bluetooth, pairing the two devices and attempting to send the files like you’d usually do won’t work. The process requires little extra twist which we will be letting you in on.

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How To Enable Bluetooth File Transfer To Android Phones on macOS

  • First off, You will need to obviously Turn On Bluetooth on both the Android Device and the MacBook. (To do this On your MacBook, Navigate to System Preferences >> Bluetooth and Turn it On. On your Android, Swipe Down the Status Bar and Click on the Bluetooth Icon. Alternatively, you can go to the Settings Menu >> Bluetooth >> Drag the slider to the right to turn it on.)
  • On your Macbook, Go to System Preferences and Select File Sharing.

  • Tick the Bluetooth Sharing and Configure the rest how you want.

After doing the above then you can now send any file from your Android device to your MacBook without getting the error Message. All you have to is pair the two devices, choose a file to send and send it using Bluetooth.

Although this process is pretty slow; which will make sending a huge file take longer time than using a USB cable, Xender or any other methods out there. However, it can be used as a last resort when you don’t have your USB cable and for some reason don’t any of the file sharing app installed.


Now that you can Enable Bluetooth File Transfer To Android Phones on macOS, you can go ahead and send those files you’ve been meaning to send. The process is pretty straightforward and easy to understand but if you have questions regarding this, then please leave a comment below and I’ll be happy to help.

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