How to increase battery life on Android 7.0 Nougat

Android battery life

How to save power on Android 7.0 Nougat OS (Operating System)

Most of the Android users may not be aware that there is a new version of the Android OS; for people in this category let me introduce you to Android 7.0 dubbed Nougat or Android N. As many of us tech-savvy fellows do know, that the release of a major OS version of any OS at all, is accompanied by several improvements and changes on the previous version. With the new Android OS release, one feature that is of notable mention is the power saving feature. I know most of us hate the “Connect charge, the battery is getting” low message, this tutorial should try to show you guys some methods to keep your Android N device lasting a bit longer on power. There are several ways this can be achieved, but the most interesting is through “Doze”, a feature released originally in Android 6.0 Marshmallow. But before we talk about “Doze”, let’s see some of the other methods that can be used to optimise battery usage on Android 7.0.

Adjust Display Settings to increase battery life on Android 7.0 Nougat

For some of us that do check our battery usage statistics, we should have noticed that the screen consumes a considerable amount of battery while it is on. By reducing the screen brightness and the timeout period – the time it takes for the display to turn off when not in use – you can save power. You can achieve this by either changing the adaptive brightness setting or sleep setting or both.

Adaptive brightness

The adaptive brightness setting can help you save power by changing the screen brightness based on the available light.


With this setting, you can select how long it takes your phone’s screen to turn OFF after some minutes or seconds of inactivity. You can choose from 15 seconds to 30 minutes with this setting. For longer battery life, it is advisable to choose a lower timeout period.

Turning on battery saver

This method is not peculiar to Android N users alone as previous Android OS versions can be able to do this. You can equally download an app from the Google Play Store such as “DU battery saver” or “Battery Doctor” to do this for you automatically when your battery level is very low. Note that the battery saver feature turns off while charging your device. To enable this feature for Android N do these:

  • Go to “Settings” by clicking on the “Settings” app
  • Click on “Battery” then click on “Battery Saver
  • Click on the “On/Off” switch

You can also choose to make it turn on automatically by choosing one of three (3) options:

  • Never
  • At 5% battery level
  • At 15% battery level

Turning off wireless network and other connections when not in use

Just like the previous method, this solution is also applicable to other Android versions and even to other OSes. Whenever you aren’t making use of a feature like Bluetooth or WiFi, it is advisable to turn them off.


The Doze app
The Doze app

Finally, we are here. “Doze” is a feature that was introduced in Android 6.0 Marshmallow. It is similar to the “Sleep” mode of computers. What this feature does is that it stops processes and background apps from running while your phone is not charging or the screen is turned off, thereby saving you battery. The version of Doze in Android 7.0 is a lighter version of its predecessor in Android 6.0; it shuts off cellular network access and checks for notifications periodically in what is called “maintenance windows”. While your phone is idle, Doze is working underground trying to give you extra battery time.


As we have come to know that major OS upgrades come with improved features, one of such features that are obviously needed is battery optimisation; and the guys at Google heard knew this, that was probably the reason they added Doze in Android 6.0 and improved on it in Android 7.0. You must have known some of the methods above, but consistently dismissed them; applying these methods should give you extra time to send that SMS or make that important phone call just before your battery dies.


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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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